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10 Good Habits for Healthy Heart

January 8, 2018

Everyone wants to have a healthy heart.

But are you doing your best to keep it fit? Maybe.

This is the reason why cardiovascular disease affects more than 1 in 5 adults in the society.

The good news is that some simple, everyday habits can make a big difference in your ability to live a healthy lifestyle.

Let’s Start…

Reduce TV time: Sitting on the couch and watching tv for hours not only affects your eyes and mental status, it has a direct impact on your cardiovascular health too.

The lack of movement promotes chances for high levels of fat and sugar in the blood. This could lead to heart attacks.

Socialize Better humans are a social animal. We need constant interaction with our fellow beings. Try to construct a positive peer group with whom you can spend quality time regularly. These have shown to have the direct impact on heart health.

Diet: This may not sound tasty but a lot of vegetables and fruits in your diet can help you keep your heart healthy. Munch on fruits, nuts, whole grains food, low-fat dairy, and protein, and keeping junk food to a minimum. 10 Foods to Keep your heart healthy

Minimise Salt: The more salt you consume, the higher your blood pressure rises. The sodium in junk food is also harmful as they add up to your total daily intake is odium and salt.

Limit Alcohol: Excess alcohol is linked to a greater risk such as high blood pressure, high levels of blood fats, and heart is ok to drink in minimal quantities 1-2 drinks a day may not be harmful.

Exercise Regularly: Good exercise includes a minimum of 20-30 minutes of cardiovascular (heart pumping) exercise every day. Try yoga and another breathing exercise to Help you regulate lungs activity, the oxygen level in blood as well as to maintain a calm brain.

Don’t Smoke: quit smoking is the best advice for a healthy heart. There is no other alternative to this option.

Manage BMI: A controlled diet and regular exercise cannot always promise a proper Body Mass Index. Watch your weight changes and if you notice huge fluctuations or rapid changes in BMI ratio, consult a doctor.

Assess Your Personality: Depression, anxiety, anger, impatient etc are characteristic behaviors of people with potential heart disease. If you feel the need for an emotional support or a counseling, get it done as early as possible.

Sleep well: Finally, at the end of the day, your body and brains are tired. They need proper rest. However, your heart never stops for rest but, when you are asleep, it relaxes and tries to control and maintain proper blood flow. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep daily.


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